10. Lions (600 psi)

  This king of the jungle are said to be the only social cat in the world. They hunt as a team maybe that is why the have evolved to have the weakest bite of the genius Pathera (big cat), another reason might be their hunting habit, they strangle their prey by biting their trachea and this method of hunting requires less strength.

9   9. Tigers (1050 psi)

 Tigers are the biggest specie of cats, they tiger is also a solitary animal that means it hunts alone. A tiger can reach 3.3 meters and weigh up to 300lbs.


           8.Spotted hyena  (1100 psi)

Hyena’s are said to have the strongest bites in the animal kingdom, most sources say the hyena’s bite is about 1100 psi, but Wikipedia say it is 11,400 however they couldn’t they could not find any source to collaborate this claim. Hyenas are bone crushers it is this behavior which is most associated to the hyena’s strong bite since it needs a powerful jaw to get to the marrow inside the bones left by lions and other big predators. 

 7.Grizzly bear (1200 psi)

Grizzly’s are known for their incredible size and aggression (some believes that the grizzly hates noise). With their great size grizzlies are good runners, they can run up to 56 km/h. grizzly’s feed mainly on plants but they also hunt wild games. 

6. Gorilla (1300 psi)

This might surprise some because gorillas are vegetarians; Gorillas have jaws primarily adapted to chew strong hard plants like bamboos, which have given them incredible strong jaw and neck muscles capable of punching a 1300 psi bite.

5. Hippopotamus (1821 psi)

The hippo is a highly territorial animal and also very aggressive, has been said that their bite can cut a crocodile in two. It is one of the most feared animals in Africa, it has been known to knock over boats and attack the crew. For now only the females bite power has being measured because the males are far too aggressive to test.

4. Jaguars (2000 psi)

Jaguar means “he who kills with one leap” The jaguar is known to have the strongest bite force of all the big cats. Like most cats the jaguar is a solitary animal, it takes down prey by biting the head of the animal. The jaguar is renowned for successfully killing anacondas. Despite its smaller size than its cousin in Africa and Asia it is still the biggest cat in the Americas.

3. American Alligators (2125 psi)

The American Alligator is one of the only two alligator lift in the world, the other being in Chinese. With an estimated population of 5 million; 1.2 million live in the state of Florida. The Alligators diet consists mainly on fish, turtles and small mammals. In a recent study by National geographic, American Alligators tested at 2125 psi

2.  Saltwater Crocodile (3700 psi)

These bad boys can be found from eastern India to Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Salties eat whatever they can sink their teeth into, from water buffalo to fish and even sharks. These giants are responsible for more attacks on humans than any other croc in Australia 

1   1. Nile Crocodiles (5000 psi)

  The Nile croc is about the same size with the Saltwater Croc and their bits are interchangeable. The Nile croc will attack anything dumb enough to cross their path no matter how big or small, they have been seen attacking elephants. They eat Zebras, birds and even small hippos.


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