The Animal Kingdoms Coolest Eye


Butterflies have two sets of eyes the Ocelli and Compound eye. The Ocelli are simple eyes used for perceiving changes in light and the compound eyes on other hand are among the most complex in the world, this allows the butterfly to see one of the broadest ranges of colour available to any animal in the world. Butterflies can into the UV spectrum. A butterfly’s life is much colourful compared to us humans. 

Chameleons have one of the most unique eyes in the animal kingdom, with a pair of eyes that can move independently allowing them to see in two different directions at the same time cool right……… chameleons have no eyelids their eyes are connected in a circle that covers the entire eye but with a pinhole to see through.


The cuttlefish eyes are not just both unique looking and powerful the W-shaped part of the highly develop, highly evolved eye that makes up for the most acute polarization vision in the animal kingdom. The cuttlefish is colour blind but colour is only one aspect of light, polarization is another. What they lack in colour perception the make up in the ability to perceive polarized light

  Colossal squid

The colossal squid have the largest eyes of any creature known on earth, their eyes are about the size of a soccer balls. The eyes are faced upwards giving a binocular vision just like humans. They also have photospheres, light organs that are used like headlights, that are very useful in depths of the ocean were there is little or no light from the sun.


Dragonflies possess compound eyes made up of thousands of ommatidia, each one functioning like its own individual tiny eyes. The dragonfly have 30,000 ommatidia which gives them 3600 vision and also helps them perceive ultraviolent and polarized light.


The Gecko is a nocturnal lizard notable for being the first vertebrates known to be able to see colour low light; it has the best night colour vision of any other animal on earth. The Geckos eye is 350 time more sensitive than the human eye. Geckos have powerful multifocal optical structure consisting of unique concentric zones which gives them a powerful night vision, most Geckos that are active during the day time don’t have these concentric zones and are only monofocal.


Frogs have large distinctive protruding eyes which give the frog 3600 vision. A frog can see above the water even with its whole body submerged in water. The frogs eyes also come in different varieties such as green, brown, red, bronze, gold, silver and they also come in different shapes, horizontal for day vision, vertical cat-like for night vision, also star-sharped and heart-shaped


Clams have eye-like Ocelli, which are simple light sensitive cells with complex structure like corneas or lenses. Clams don’t have eyes in the way we are used to thinking of, these Ocelli can perceive lightness and darkness and are also able to detect shadows. Clams have beautiful bluish-purplish colour pigments which protects tem from excessive light and ultra-violet radiation


Goats have rectangular pupils which give them a greater range of vision (320 – 3400) than humans (160 – 2100) and they also have more accurate peripheral vision. The large pupil also gives them excellent night vision
Cats eyes are one amongst the most striking of all animal eyes, and contribute to the image of the cat as cool and mysterious, the cats eyes re not just its looks but it also give the cat an excellent night vision which have more rods than humans for great night vision, cats have a layer at the back of their eye called the tapetum lucidum. A tapetum lucidum acts like a mirror that reflects light providing something like a high beam effect for adding visibility. Its also why so many attempts to take photos of cats are mostly ruined

      Hammerhead Sharks 

The hammerheads eyes allow it to see in a 3600 fashion, because of the placement of the eyes the field of each eye overlaps t give superior binocular sight compared to more typical-shaped sharks. The wider the head, the greater the visual overlap of the eyes.


Huskies have one of the most beautiful eyes of any breed of dogs humans have ever encouraged; not because of any particular unique visual acuity but just because of how simply stunning they can look. Some huskies eyes are heterochromia meaning two eyes of different colour i.e. one could be brown and the other ice blue

Like frogs hippos have their eyes situated at the top of their head along side the ears and nostrils which allows them to see their surroundings even when submerged in water. Hippos also have a unique eye membrane which acts as goggles when the are completely submerged in water

 Jumping Spider

Jumping spiders have two pair of eyes (4 eyes), the larger two which are situated at the center and the smaller two which are situated at the side. The lateral helps them sense movements and the primary helps them focus of the prey. Their retinal consist of several layers with one layer dedicated to seeing green light, thus the spiders are able to see sharp images of their prey and a blurry image at the same time.
     Mantis Shrimp 

The Mantis Shrimp has one of the most complex eye sight of the animal kingdom, this under sea creature have eyes that are able to perceive 11-12 primary colour. Compared to our capability to see only three colours, the mantis shrimp can see a whole world of ultraviolet light that we can barely imagine.


Like goats, Octopuses have unusual rectangular pupils but for some reason its not off-putting look at octopus in the eye. One of the coolest things about an Octopus eyes is their ability to rotate and maintain a horizontal position, no matter what other position or angle the Octopus’s body moves in. they also possess polarized vision, which allows them to see things that we humans can only imagine with our natural eyes. On the other and Octopus are nearsighted and cannot see anything father than 8 feet away.


The owl’s eyes are great hunting tools suitable to see with any light. The Owls eyes are large both in circumference and depth, their size allowing them to see extremely well both in darkness and very bright light. Owls can move their eyes but they can move their heads up to 2700 left or right.

  Spook fish

The Spook fish has four eyes and a ghostly body, probably it got its name from it appearance. Spook fishes are the only known vertebrate on earth who’s eyes uses mirrors to catch light

 Star fish

Many people don’t even know star fishes have eyes……… this makes them an interesting entry on the list but star fishes do have eyes, in fact they have five on every arm. Like clams, star fishes have Ocelli’s, a simple form of eyes that can sense only lightness and darkness.


Tarsiers hold the record for have the largest peepers relative to body size of any animal on earth. Just like Owls, Tarsiers can’t actually move their eyes around but they make up for this by possessing a wide range of motion in their head. Tarsiers can turn their head up to 1800 left or right.


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